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Beach Flags
Beach flags is a component of surf life saving designed to help lifesavers improve their reflexes and sand sprinting power.
Beach flags starts by lying face-down on the beach, competitors rise, turn and run 20 metres to grab a baton from the sand. Since there are always fewer batons than competitors, those who fail to obtain a baton are eliminated from that round. One or more batons are then removed for the next round, and play progresses this way until the winner grabs the last remaining baton.
Beach flags is competed by all ages groups including nippers, seniors and masters.
Beach Sprint
The beach sprint and beach relay events are straightforward races over the relevant distance. Up to 10 competitors per race can start with the winner being the first person whose chest crosses the line. In the beach relay, team members are expected to change a baton (usually as small length of garden hose) at the end of each leg.

Winter - TBC
Summer - TBC
Interested in Beach Events?
If you are interested in board paddling please contact our surf sports manager Connor Polden via email