NIPPERS (Junior Activities)

Program designed for children 5 and 6 years of age that revolves around beach play. It is required that a parent or carer be present at and participate in these sessions.
Flippers train as a group at the same times as our Nippers.
Child must be 5 years of age to participate.
Program designed for children aged 7 to 13 years. It is a requirement that a parent or carer be present on the beach during these training sessions for children to participate.
Age categories are determined as at the child's age on 1st October.
On turning 13 years of age children can train to qualify for the Surf Rescue Certificate (SRC) which is a pre curser to the Bronze Medallion.

Cadets range in age from 14 to 17 years. Under the guidance of our Youth Activities Co-ordinator they further their skills as they progress to the senior ranks and the gaining of their Bronze Medallion.